What is IIP?
The Immigrant Investor Programme
The Immigrant Investor Programme or IIP offers secure residency status in Ireland, through an approved investment. The IIP is open to non-European nationals who may apply for themselves, their spouse or civil partner, any children under the age of 18 and any dependent children between the ages of 18 and 24 (provided they are not married and in full time education).
The IIP process involves making an application to the Irish government; getting that application approved; making an investment; and receiving residency.
A key feature of the Irish programme is that the investment is only required to be made after your application has been approved. The process is very straight forward and the approval time currently takes between 4 and 6 months. The residency requirements, meaning the required time to spend in Ireland to maintain this immigration status, is only one day per calendar year.
7-Step Application Process
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Investment Options
Enterprise Investment:
Investment Fund:
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT):
Bartra operates under the Enterprise Investment Option, where we provide secure investments to our qualifying Social Housing and Nursing Homes projects. Both of these assets provide very safe investments, as they both derive income from the Irish State. It is also worth noting that, to date, Bartra maintains a 100% approval rate and a 100% renewal rate within IIP.
What is IIP?
The benefits of IIP include getting approval within 4-6 months; investment being required only after receiving an approval letter; no language requirement and interview required; residency requirement of only 1 day per year; and HNWIs can obtain residency without moving.
What is IIP?
Find out more about IIP
To find out more about IIP, how it works, what the benefits are and how you can apply, speak with one of our expert advisors! Simply complete this form and we’ll contact you.
Bartra Wealth Advisors is proud to work with individuals and families with over €2 million net worth, to invest €1 million in IIP qualified projects for at least three years investment term.